
How much for a school radio station?

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My media studies teacher mentioned that our school used to have a radio show. She also said she could bring it up at the next meeting. So i was wondering. If we were to get this radio station up and going again would it be expensive? This is for a non broadcasting station by the way. As in it will be played through speakers in the school internally. It would need to be a relatively basic but proper set up.





  1. It's a great idea, and a basic system of speakers. Speakers are available for £5 each, and the wiring will need to be put up above the ceiling tiles to be hidden, if the speakers are to be placed about the school then a loop of wire will be needed.

    All you would need would be a few cd players £40 each, and an amp, £20-40 second hand, and a microphone socket and faders.

    I think if you built the set-up as part of the project, this could all be done for £300, for a loop of around 10 speakers..

  2. You don't need a licence - if it's wired. You could probably do it with a computer with a lot of MP3's. A few amplifiers connected to speakers around the school. You may be able to transmit using infra red around the school and converting cheap radios to pick up a modulated infra red signal. Even a weak  radio signal doesn't need a licence - as in a radio microphone. if you already have a reasonable public address system in the school - tap in to that - it would be cheaper. Of course very educational - you all leave with a diploma in disc jockeying! lol

  3. i'm looking for way on how to publish music on the radio

  4. well my skool had £2000 4 da equipment and den £500 4 sumfin else...i dnt no much but da bois in ma class r thnkin bout doin it

  5. Whatever you do keep in mind the audience experience.  What will they hear?  Is it mostly music or talking?  How lengthy is the program?

    The impulse will be to spend a lot of money when perhaps your problem could best be solved by a couple of borrowed Ipods, a basic PC and one, maybe two $5 mics.

    With the bandwidth and response of most PA speakers you won't need to spend much money on equipment.  High dollar equipment on high band only tweeters won't sound good anyway.

    I'd bet you already have all the equipment you need and it's only a matter of imagination and reassigning resources.

    If your audience thinks it's cool they won't care how you did it.  And there's really no need to tell them.

    Unless the school is willing to pony up big bucks and then I'd say you'd need $10,000.00.  Then buy two Ipods, a kicking PC and two $1500.00 mics.

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