
How much for a transfer Rio-Buzios-Rio?

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How much for a transfer Rio-Buzios-Rio?




  1. If you can afford a taxi, go ahead, take it, but dont forget to negociate.  But, there is no need for that.  You can go to a "rodoviaria" (bus terminal) and take the bus to Rio (city, because, Buzios is on the state of Rio)  When you get to Rio, you either take a city bus to your hotel, which there many (buses) or spend the money here for the fare back to the hotel or wherever you are staying.  Good luck and enjoy my city...

  2. How many people are going? Around R$200,00 reais (Brazilian real) per cab, about $93.00 dollars. Email me if you need more information.

    Friday, January 26, 2007

    200 Brazilian Real = 94.08533 US Dollar

    200 US Dollar (USD) = 425.146 Brazilian Real (BRL)

    Interbank rate +/- 0%

    This means:

    You buy 200 Brazilian Real :     94.08533 US Dollar

    You sell 200 Brazilian Real :     93.77388 US Dollar

    You buy 200 US Dollar :     425.146 Brazilian Real

    You sell 200 US Dollar :     426.558 Brazilian Real

    Median price = 0.46887 / 0.47043 (bid/ask)

    Minimum price = 0.46838 / 0.46977

    Maximum price = 0.47008 / 0.47148

  3. Here are the information in portuguese, i hope you understant a little bit. this is quite cheap. I think that it is about 30-40$ for Rio-Buzios-rio. It depends on the hour and the AC. I did it last year, and it is fast, we took a bus with AC. Look at the website :

    And buzios is amazing!!

    Have a nice trip there!

    Do Rio à Búzios - direto:

    Saídas diárias da Rodoviária Novo Rio pela Viação 1001 nos seguintes horários:

    Ida: 08:45, 09:00, 09:15, 09:45, 10:15, 11:15, 13:15, 15:00, 15:15, 17:00, 17:15, 19:30h.

    Volta: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00 e 19:00h.

    Preço: Entre R$ 18,00 e R$ 23,00 dependendo do horário e tipo do ônibus (convencional ou com ar condicionado). Horários e preços fornecidos pela Viação 1001.

    Telefones utéis:

    Viação 1001: 0300-313-1001

    Rod. Novo Rio: (21) 2291-5151


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