
How much for baby-sitting sibling?

by  |  earlier

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im baby-sitting my lil bro. how much should i charge my mom? i was thinking $2. is that fair?




  1. I get $3 an hour per kid when I babysit my cousins, but since you don't even have to leave your house, $2 sounds fair. I think you could weasel $3 though if you really want to. :)

  2. I -never- got paid for babysitting my little brother or my cousins, but you know what?  They're family.  If I were babysitting them for a week, I'm sure my aunt would have offered to pay me, but just for a couple hours?  If you're going to name a price, I guess $2 seems reasonable, but personally I wouldn't have expected to be paid at all.

  3. come on , do it as a favour , think of all the fun you can have bonding wit your lil bro  

  4. nothing

    i babysit my younger sibs all the time for free

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