
How much for currently (rubles or USD) for vodka in russia?

by  |  earlier

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im going to russia this summer for a month and since no one cares about the drinking age i wanna be hammered like everyday i just wanna know how much cash to take to russia.

so how much for like:

bad quality vodka

Average (not bad) vodka

and Good (sort of expensive vodka)

im gonna be stayin with relatives and they live down in the countryside near Tula (about 2 hours south of moscow)

thank you




  1. I know that in 2001, a normal bottle can cost $1-5 dollars but I don't know about it now (don't live in Russia anymore). I think its higher but not much. Somewhere around $5-15 dollars. It depends on the size and quality. Good luck, you'll need it

  2. What a wasted trip (pun intended)!

    As far as the requested specifics, underage drinking is probably illegal in Russia as well. So we should not provide any encouragement here.

  3. The exchange rate is 4 grams of brain cells per ounce of vodka.

  4. There are three classes of vodka:

    The economy ($4-5 per bottle)

    Average ($7-20) and

    premium (more $20)

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