
How much for health insurance for ONE person...USA.?

by Guest59859  |  earlier

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I'm currently paying 355.00 a month...and feel it covers c**p! I also have a 1000.00 deductible. What are you paying for one person and who with?




  1. - I personally have this health insurance. Paying 150$ per month.

  2. Well, it matters how old you are.

    If you're 30 and healthy, a $250 deductible plan should cost you about $300 a month.  From your deductible and premium, I'm guessing you're in your late 40's or 50's, OR, you have a pre-existing health condition.

    My family, we're covered through my husband's employer.  WE pay almost $700 a month for our share of the family plan. It's him, me, and we have three kids.  But you can't get ON this plan, because it's through his employer.

    Also, you need to know that plans vary by state.  Not all companies write health insurance in all states.  If this is your method of shopping around, well, they all get UNDERWRITTEN, so what one guy here has, they might not take you.  Or, maybe they like your condition better than his, so would charge you LESS, even if you're the same age.

    There's no short cut.  To find the best price for YOU, you have to shop around.  Best way to do that is with a local agent.  But I'll tell you, for approximately the same coverage, most companies are going to charge about the same price.  There's no company going in and charging half price for the same coverage.

  3. That sounds much too high to me.  Obviously it is a PPO.  Do you get it through your employer?

    I think Blue Cross is the best, from what I have seen working with them to get bills paid.

    I had Humana HMO for many years but I am disabled now so I have Humana Gold medicare replacement policy.

    I think you need to check around.  Besides  Blue Cross and Humana, look for Pacificare, and United.

  4. honestly, I would look into Ameriplan, its like 100 times cheaper then that, and there is no annual maximum. Try

  5. Actually, without knowing which state you live in, NOBODY can give you an accurate quote.

    Skip the online websites for a health insurance quote.

    Call a LOCAL broker and make sure they have been in the business at least 20 years like one of the previous posters and myself.

  6. You may try to google it,here has some direct resource that might be helpful.

  7. check out and get some quotes for the health insurance its free and the worst thing that can happen is you can get cheaper health insurance

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