
How much for the average rates for the hotels in Hoh Chi Minh?

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I'm planing to make a trip to Vietnam. I haven't made any decision yet where I would visit. I want to know about the average rates of the hotels in Hoh Chi Minh if anyone can tell?




  1. lots of travel, hotel, destination info and also use worldwide destination guide at "Quick Quick Guide Section" for Hoh Chi Minh.

  2. Sunrise beach is a good place that you should consider to go.  There're a lot of nice hotels and resorts along the beach. For the hotels, the rate is about 80 USD minimum, but the resorts are cheaper.  you can even stay there with your 20 USD air-con room if you don't mind using a bathroom with no bathtub.  why not for a good experience, right?  anywho, if my info doens't help much, you can check out these websites


    have a nice trip!

  3. I think it would be about $20-30 USD for an adverage hotel room that has a single bed.Sorry if this is wrong because I'm basing this on when someone I knew had a room with two beds not one and I'm not very clear with the price.

    p.s. 1 USD = about 16,000 VND ( Vietnamese Dong). Sorry is this is inaccurate.

  4. Expect to pay about $20 USD a night for average accomodation in HCMC

  5. I'm from the states and live in Guangdong China... just next to VN.  What you pay will depend greatly on how you are travelling and what you know about the local situation as anywhere in east and central asia.  Basically one local dollar (yuan etcetera) is locally equivalent to one US buck by local standards (i.e. a $1 loaf of bread is one yuan here).  Getting an equivalent product or service that you want is trickier and unlikely to happen unless you have a good local friend.

    If you do not speak the language, are obviously a foreign traveller, have no one to help you, and so on then plan to stay to the tourist areas where people speak the language and pay prices that are actually very high by local standards.  They will end up being close to the same you would pay in the states.  Don't kid yourself and think the local biz people don't know those prices and comparisons.

    The more you are seen as knowledgable the less you will pay.  On everything... not just hotels.  The more you are willing to live by local standards the less you will pay.  My wife and I live in a large two bedroom apartment for 300 rmb a month here.  I know other "guilo" who pay 5-15k rmb for less just down the road a bit in a neighborhood designed "just for westerners".  Go figger.  But then I enjoy a local bbq n beer w/my wife and family (cantonese) and have yet to enter the local 5 star restaurant either.... Good luck

  6. Average rates for decent hotels in Ho Chi Minh City will be about $20-30 USD or 300,000-450,000 Vietnamese dong.  I have stayed in several nice hotels but my favorite was the Saigon Royal Hotel - 12D Cach Mang Thang Tam, Q1. (tel:84.8 8228.842) e.mail:  The last time I was there was in July 2004 and paid about $20 USD for a room with 2 double beds and a balcony.  This rate included breakfast in the revolving resturaunt on the roof of the hotel.  The food was pretty good too.  The Saigon Royal is in view of the New World Hotel, across the street from the Zen Plaza, a modern, up-scale fashion mall where you can also get western food items in a market on the top floor, and within a short walk to the Ben Tahn market - one of the most popular and famous all-in-one markets in Saigon (not to be missed).  If you stay here, you will be in the heart of Saigon and only about 10k from Tan Son Nhat airport.  The ammenities are not world class, but they are clean, comfortable and adequate.  Each room has a combination safe, a/c, color TV with VN and English channels and a decent shower.   If you want world class, then try the New World Hotel, the Rex, or the Intercontinental but expect to pay $70-200 USD/night.  Another option would be the Dai Hua Hong hotel on Nguyen Ti Minh Kai and Tran Quoc Thao.  I have stayed there as well and it is equally as nice as the Saigon Royal but their prices went up to around $35 USD/night for foreigners.

  7. sai gon [ ho chi minh city.. nobody calls it that.. hardly anyone]has about as wide a range of prices as you can immagin, you can stay in a safe clean mini hotel in the "back pack area"[ de tham , pham ngu lau ,bui vien streets] for $8-$12 [and less] or up at the "rex" and "caravel" for as much as $2,500 a night. at the "metropole"[ off bui vien street] you can get a mini suite for around $50-$80 and they have a roof top swimming pool. i like to stay  at th "oriental "/ "dong phuong" on de tham street, its clean safe, hot water and tv, and i like the location[ it's where the action is]. but then i vistit other places ; have an upscale dinner at the "new world" [ where president clinton stayed] have a cocktail at the roof top bar on "caravel " overlooking the city...there are hotels , mini hotesl and guest house all over the city...the cheapests are in the "back pack area" you should check out the room 1st and all price can be negotiated. this can be said about almost anywhere you go in viet nam.

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