
How much formula for a 6 week old baby

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my daughter will be 6 weeks old tomorrow and weighs 9 lbs. 3 oz.

How much formula should she be eating and how often?




  1. olivia is 11 wks and still eats 4 to 5 ozs.....whatever your baby takes give it to him/her...

  2. Hi, my son is 6 weeks old today and I have given him formula on 3 occassions.  It usually shows the feeding guide on the side of the tin.  The formula I use suggests between 2 weeks to 2 months use 120ml of cooled boiled water and 2 scoops of formula and recommends 6 feeds per day. Each scoop contains 8.5g of formula.  Hope this helps.  Cheers;-)

  3. 4 or 5oz. Every 3 hours

  4. Here is a great website that will help you every step of the way and answer all the questions like this that will come up through out the years of raising your child it is a great investment.

  5. clark is 4 weeks and eats 4-6 every 3 hours

  6. 5-8 times a day probably 4-6 ounces each feeding.  I think they are supposed to have formula 2 1/2 times they're weight.  

  7. You should probably read the instructions on the formula on correct amounts for her age group just to be safe or speak to your chemist about it.  And feed her whenever you think she might be hungry- its probably best if you keep some made up formula in the fridge that you can just quickly heat up when she gets hungry.

    All the best  

  8. It really depends. Babies are pretty good about letting you know when they are full. My daughter was a preemie and wasn't drinking 4 oz until she was well into her 3rd month, but around 6 weeks maybe 2 oz max. every 3-4 hours. As I said she was very tiny though.  

  9. every baby is different so go with her ques.  Generally though I was told that babies will have 2-3 oz for the first month and will add about an oz to that every month after up to 8 oz a feeding.  Not all babies will follow this schedule though.  With mine you never know what he'll take.  He's 15 wks and sometims he'll only take 2 oz at a time and others he'll take 7 oz.  this may be because he's becoming more active now though and has trouble staying focused.  Sometimes he'll go 5 hours and somedays he wants to eat every 2 hours.  Stick with your baby's cues and you'll be fine.  It's not how much she SHOULD be eating it's how much is right for her.  She'll let you know.  If you stick with her you'll feel much less stressed about it.  She won't let herself starve and likely won't over feed herself...


  10. My baby at 6 weeks ate 5 oz every 4-5 hours and now she is 10 weeks and eats 4oz every three hours so it depends and they change so much with there eating. My little girl also sleeps 10-11 hours at night without waking up which could be why she eats so much during the day!

  11. However much she wants, whenever she wants it.  My son is 7 weeks old, and about 13 pounds, and he eats about 5 oz every 3-4 hours.  

  12. 4-5oz

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