
How much formula should i be giving my fifteen month old?

by  |  earlier

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He is having about 600ml can i start cutting it down yet?




  1. He really should be on Full fat cows milk now. Speak to your health visitor and she can advise on what to give him.  

  2. I would have him on Full fat milk by now.  Try him on goats milk, its easier to digest than cows.

  3. At 15 months your child should be on normal full cream cows milk.

    My 15 month old has a healthy diet and has a cup of milk with breakfast and after dinner.  Pthis should be enough so long as they are having a good, healthy, balanced diet!

  4. When my children was 1 yr old i put them on progress it contains all the vitamins etc, and i am a farmers daughter!!

  5. he can have cow's milk now, full fat is best....start thinking about giving it in a beaker too.

  6. No formula at all! He only needs cows or goats milk...if he cannot cope with cow milk try soy or goat....with 3 meals a day and formula he will get overweight the age of one is the normal age to stop formula.

  7. Not sure how much 600ml is ounce wise......

    At 15 months, my daughter was having her first 2 bottles just filled with whole milk. Her bedtime bottle was the only formula bottle she had. So, she had about 8 oz of formula a day.

    If he is eating a good, balanced diet, then he probably doesn't need 3 formula bottles.....however, you will have to be the judge of that.

  8. Yes. You can cut it down.  Babies over a year are able to drink cow's milk and should also begin to eat more table foods.

  9. Formula? Why is your kid is on formula at 15 months? He should be on regular milk by now and drinking around 3 or 4 bottles of it since now you must be giving him/her meals.

  10. If he can't have cows milk, then by all means stick to formula, it won't hurt him.

    At one year the recommended amount is 1pt a day :)

    EDIT: Have you tried the C&G stage 4 toddler milk? That might be best, or else you COULD try soy milk - but I wouldn't use goats milk. Do whatever works best for him.

  11. you shouldnt!!! he doesnt need that-he eats 3 meals a day!!!  

  12. at 15 months, your baby should be able to have whole milk.... Check with your doctor, but by 10 or 12 months, its normally just fine, especially if the baby is eating a wide variety of foods. If he cant manage cow's milk, soy, rice, or almond  milk are great alternatives

  13. No formula.  Your child is old enough to have cow's milk.  And he/she should be getting most of it's calories from food.

  14. Your child should still be having a pint of milk (about 600ml) of milk a day. Remember that milk in cereal or any other food product counts towards this so it's not like he actually has to drink it all.

    If you're struggling to get this much milk into him try giving him yoghurts to boost his calcium intake.

  15. after a year they should be on normal milk ( full fat cows)


  17. He should be drinking whole milk not formula. After the 1st birthday the doctors want you to stop giving babies formula. Try soy milk, or goats milk.  

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