
How much formula should my 7 month old eat?

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My 7 month old has 3 meals a day and bottles in between. She's been great at eating solid foods but she has been unpredictable when it comes to her bottle. Some times she'll have 6 oz and other times only 4. I try to give her a bottle 4 times a day. She doesn't look like she is starving(she's 18 lbs) but I just want to make sure she is getting enough nutrition. I would like to know everyone else's baby habits. Thanks!




  1. She should have as close to 24oz-32oz daily... try 3 8oz bottles... or break then up into 5 5oz servings... maybe u should give it to her in a sippy cup, 6 months is a good time to introduce those... Born Free has a good one. Also, in my opinion, sippy's with straws work best to start... both of my kids wouldn't start with the spout!

  2. My Daughter is 7.5 months and she has four 7 ounce bottles a day ( sometimes first thing in the morning she will eat close to 10 ) and she only eats one jar of solids a day ( I have been having trouble getting her used to solids ).  Try to offer the bottle before the solids since she should be getting most her nutrition from formula/bm for now.

  3. My daughter does the same thing, she has maybe a 6 oz but mostly 4 oz bottles, and we only do this about 4 times a day and sometimes at night we have one 4 oz bottle she too eats solids three times a day, my doctor did not seem to have a problem with what she was eating and she was 18 lbs as well, he said just make sure 2 of the meal had veggies in them and the other grain and keep giving bottles like I was. Don't worry as long as she is gaining weight and not gaining to much you are good. She seems to be a perfect weight. You can not force them to take any more than they want. And you have to introduce the solids to them or you will have trouble once they get older with wanting to eat food...good luck

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