
How much formula should my six month old be drinking?

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She drinks a little bit of pear juice during the day. Not much, about 1-2 oz. She eats fruit twice a day. No cereal because it gives her gas and gas pains. She takes five six ounce bottles a day and sleeps all night. Does this sound right? I'm just curious. She weighs about sixteen pounds and was 50th percentile for weight last drs appt and 90th for height. Thanks!!!!




  1. Sounds like she's eating perfectly!  She should eat up to 32oz of formula per day.

    I personally, prefer, to give veggies before fruits...  But that's just a personal preference.

    I also don't find juice to be necessary at 6 months... Unless your using it for constipation?  My 5 1/2 month old has constipation often, but I have given him 1-2 oz of water per day, and that helps!

  2. i always got affended when the doctors told me how much my daughter shold eat or drink, you cant force a child to eat or not to eat! my daughter never drank more then 4oz at a time and about 6 or 7 bottles aday and she was always tiny but she would never drink more! i think your child is fine and she probably going through a growth spurt! good luck

  3. That's about what my baby ate.  My doctor suggested starting foods at about 4 months.  Instead of just adding more and more formula, add the food to her diet.  If it's causing alot of gas, maybe you should introduce very slowly.

  4. My son just turned seven months. At my six month check I asked my doctor the same question. She told me at least 28-32 ounces a day. My son only drinks 4 bottles with 7 ounces a day so he's at the low end. One of his bottles also contains 1 ounce of pear juice for constipation. He also eats cereal for breakfast, veggies for lunch and fruit with dinner. Then he has a bottle right before bed. Your schedule sounds good. My son is also 18 pounds and in the same percentile for both height and weight as your little girl.  

  5. My pediatrician said my 6 month old should have no more than 28-30 oz of formula a it sounds about right!

  6. 6 month olds drink around  (give or take) 30 oz a day. in a few months she'll cut back a few ounces as you add more solids.  

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