
How much foul play was involved in the Madeline McCann case?

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Do you think the parents are involved?




  1. Of course the arents were involved.

    The Child died because of their neglect and the hid and disposed of the body

    This is what all the available evidence points to, but sadly it is not definative enough to prove especially against O J Simpson style lawyers.

    To be clear here is zero nil zippo evidence of an abduction.

    the McCanns have got awa with it, tht doesnt mean they are innocent.

    Not even someone as stupid as Michael w really believes that.

    Hes just one of their paid thugs.

  2. Certainly there was foul play as you call it but not by the McCanns who were released as suspects yesterday. The unknown abductor together with his accomplices were the ones involved in foul play.

  3. I think the parents were majorly negligent in leaving their kids alone without a sitter in a hotel. I would never do that and I think most responsible parents wouldn't. However I don't believe they were involved in her disappearance and/or murder. I think someone ie a perv picked her out and saw

    an opportunity and just grabbed her. I doubt they will ever

    find her or her body.

  4. Sadly they appear unique in that they appear to be the only parents of a lost child to refuse to help the police and also to refuse to take part in a reconstruction!!!!

    All of their actions are about them and take all the attention away from finding Madeleine - how can anyone even remotely think that they are worth supporting?!!!!

  5. How they behave in the days and weeks ahead will give clues as to whether they were involved or not. they haven't got to a very good start. Having said (via their spokesman) that they wanted to see the police files so they could identify leads which could be passed on to their private investigators to assist in their search for Madeleine, the emphasis now seems to be on suing the police for negligence!  In other words, money is their priority, not finding their missing daughter. My feelings are that if they are given enough rope, they will "hang themselves" and the truth will come out.

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