
How much freedom do you give your nine year old?

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What are some things that you trust him/her with? What are their responsibilities?




  1. well I just let my 9 year old paint the house with me. I don't let her roam the streets but I will sit in the car and let them go in to the store to buy a newspaper or post a letter.

    Responsibilities, feeds the dog and cat, cleans her/his room helps out around the house, but out the rubbish and recycling, puts out and brings in the bins, brings in the mail.

  2. I agree with Cam.... My nine year old is extremely responsible. He has a cell phone for emergencies only, in case he is away from me. But its other people that I can't trust... My nine year old helps with house work, laundry, supper, washing clothes, cleaning. Everything that I do....

    I guess we could answer your question better if we knew what kind of responsibilities you are wanting to bestow on your child. I would  not let my nine year old go to a movie without an adult or to the mall....

  3. I trust my child with almost everything. It's other people that I don't trust that prevents me from letting my child have certain freedoms.

  4. I think age is all relative. It really depends on how mature they are. My 9 year old has always been more mature than his peers, and my 7 year old is on the less mature side of his peers. I say this because I think it makes a difference in what I allow for both of them.  I trust my older son at 9 to make pretty good decisions. He has proven to us that he can take care of things without even being asked. He is not reminded to do his homework and he keeps his room neat. I guess that tells me that he has a good head on his shoulders. He has phone and internet privalages (in the living room in our presence), He is allowed to invite friends over and gets an allowance for social activities. He has recently asked for a cell phone that was a firm NO! We did however talk about allowing him to attend his hockey practice without us there and in that case we may consider giving him a cell phone in case he needs us. It really comes down to trust and knowing that he will make the right decisions.  We know he is a good kid so we try to give him opportunities to show us.

  5. What kind of freedom you are talking about. I believe a nine years old should not have a lot of freedom. There have to be some rules. A nine years should be in the bed no later than 9 o'clock.  That is what wrong with some of our kids today,  we as parents give them to much freedom. That why the kids are in control and not the parents. They should learn how to keep their clean, wash dishes, do their homework. The basics.

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