
How much fuel does it consume?

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How much fuel would a Boeing 747 jumbo jet consume from London to the east coast of America...Say New York or Washington DC..

Please state in £ or $

Thank you.




  1. I dont know how much a 747 consumes, but i do know how much my ex-girlfriend consumes..... its about the same....

  2. Im not too sure about that.

  3. I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure this can vary (especially over this long of a distance.)  It could depend on many things such as speed and wind direction (slowing or speeding the aircraft).  Pilots enter a "cost index" into the FMC to set basically how econ-friendly the trip will be.  Higer settings means a faster jet that consumes more fuel and lower settings are the opposite.

  4. It all depends on the circumstances of the flight. It depends on how many passengers are on the plane, how much luggage is on board and how fast they fly . A standard B744 holds 52,410 U.S. gal of fuel. The distance between New York and London is about 3450 miles. Now the fuel flow of said flight depends on what altitude the airplane flies at. On a typical flight at typical speeds you can get 15 liters of fuel per kilometer.  15x 3450= 51750 gallons. So gas is about 4$ gallon= 207 000$. Now this is just a rough estimate, the aircraft will burn fuel on taxi and we did not factor in the increased and decresed fuel flow during climb and descent. This is my best guess, but i am not expert so i could be very wrong. Hope this helps.

  5. It burns about 30,000 gallons of jet fuel which is about 5 dollars a gallon so it's about 150,000 dollars.

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