
How much fun do u alow yourself outside of your marriage and your kids ?

by  |  earlier

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my problem is that i feel like all i do is go to work in the morning and come home watch my kids and go to bed h**l that's all i do before i had kids i was into going to the river hanging with friends but now it seems like i do nothing extra curricular like on the weekends my wife doesnt wanna do things or go out because its too much of a hassle and i cant sit at home like she does i need to do thing interact with people i cant stand it... what should i doo ohh and evertime i want to go somewhere by myself i cant she and the kids have to come and sometimes it ok but everytime??? when do i get my alone time with my self and spend it how i want too..and i always get yelled at for it and a fight always brews up... she says u have a family now u must stay home with them if thats the case ill leave and fight for my kids and thats then end of that




  1. You need to sit your wife down and explain to her that it’s important for you to have time for yourself. Just because we’re married doesn’t mean our whole lives revolve around our spouse and families. Of course they will always remain number one but we still need “me” time. When you talk to you wife encourage her to do the same. That way it’s give and take. Futhermore, you can even set weekends per  month for yourself, date nights and family nights. My husband and I do family nights every weekend and date nights at least twice a month. We also have "me" time a few times a month where I go out with the girls and he spends a few hours on the golf course.

  2. Wow it sounds like there is more to it then you just wanting a guys night out. I have Thursday night girls night. I can do whatever I want on Thursdays. And I do pretty much anything from go to the bar to watching a movie with my friends. I find that because I know I can do it I don't feel the need to go out every Thursday. My husband goes to the gym at least 3 nights a week. That's his time his buddies will meet him there. Usually once a year each of us has an outing (long weekend) with our friends. We both work full time and we have 2 sons. You need an outside life-its all about balance and being a well rounded person. You will go crazy if you don't have any outside interests. Good luck!

  3. I would rather spend my time with my sweetie. I'm sorry some of you have not gotten there.

  4. She must realize and respect the fact that in life, you have family time, and then each spouse have individual time. So she should not force you to be around her and the kids 24/7 it is impossible, and it is not fair. But yes, tell her if she can't come to terms or some type of agreement with you, it will push you away, and cause you to leave. Also, it is not like you are asking for a lot.

  5. Welcome to married with should have realized that the single life goes out the door.

    Maybe you should plan a river trip with the family instead...if the wife thinks it's a hassle to plan anything then you do it all..eventually she'll come around and start helping...but fighting over it isn't a solution..sometimes it takes one person to start a tradition.

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