
How much fur does a chinchilla shed normally?

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My sister's chinchilla, over the past few months, has lost a lot of fur and seems to be losing more. Is this normal if he's shedding?

His diet hasn't changed and he's a good eater. He eats hay, those little gray things, and he has a little treat everyonce in a while.

He gets a regular dust bath and his cage is fairly clean.

Does anyone know what going on?! It's starting to worry me :(




  1. He may be coming into his prime.

    They loose their fur and grow new fur.

    It is normal.

  2. drastic tempature change.May be be too hot where you keep it.Ihope you dont keep it out side but other then that you should consult a vetnarian to be on the safe side.

  3. This is could be happening for many reasons. Here are a few:

    1. Hot weather, this causes chins to shed excessively.

    2. Mange. Hair loss is very common in infected chins.

    3. Stress. When a chin is stressed, it sheds its fur.

    4. Fur biting. Sometimes chins will bite their fur off.

    Good luck, I hope you find out whats wrong with him.

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