
How much gas money will I need to drive 1 hour and 15?

by Guest56685  |  earlier

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How much gas money will I need to drive 1 hour and 15?




  1. Basically what crazycat said, you need to know all of that and then the math can be done from there

  2. Go with krazy kats answer and it also depends if you fluor every time your stopped.

  3. cant be answered...

    how many miles? what kind of gas milage do you get?... just an hour and 15 min isnt enough... you can drive 100 miles an hour and cover 125 miles... or 50 miles per hour and cover 62 miles... a

    nd if you get 3 miles to the gallon then that 60 miles is (lets do the math) 20 gallons, and about 80dol. worth of gas... now if you get 30 miles to the gallon, that 60 miles is 2 gallons of gas and about 8dol. in gas

    so you cant ask a general quesiton like this... there are a lot more factors involved than just time...

  4. 25.00

  5. well, if you have a Hybrid that gets 70 miles per gallon, maybe

    $120 to $200.

  6. you have to know your cals milesgs per galon then ask

  7. That would depend on what type of vehicle you have, how much gas milage it gets, and how much gas prices are where you live.

  8. Depends on your cars gas mileage and what kind of driving you're doing.

    Highway or City?

    And you would probably need to know the distance you're driving and not just the time.

    And you'd need to know the price of gas... lots of variables. =]

  9. Well, there are many questions to be answered. Will you be on the highway or in the city? How many hwy mpg does your car get? How many mpg does it get? How much does the gas cost at the place you were going to get gas at? And how far away is this place? Sorry there are so many questions to be answered? :(

  10. Depends on many factors... how fast you will be going, what kind of car, what kind of engine, whether it takes premium or regular gas, and what kind of gas prices are in your area. If I had to guess on "regular" factors, I would probably say it will cost you $15 for that hour and 15 minutes. But it varies on a lot of things.

  11. If you get 20 miles to the gallon, and gas is $4 a gallon, you still don't know how much money you'll need until we determine if you'll be driving 15 mph or 85 mph.


  12. $1000

  13. very unknown

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