
How much gas will it take approximately?

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I have a Ford Explorer with a 22 gallon tank. gets about 18-20 MPG Highway. I live in Bloomington Illinois and want to go see my Sister in law who was recently in a bad car accident in Houston Texas. Any guess on about how much I will spend on gas to get there and to come home? I don't expect an exact number b/c obviously gas prices change as does the MPG on my truck depending on my speed ect.




  1. the trip is roughly 1,000 miles. lets say you actually average 15 miles per gallon. 1000 divided by 15= 67 gallons of fuel. 67 gallons of fuel at lets say an average of $3.00 per gallon is a total of $201. With a little leeway, call it $225 for a one way trip to Houston.

  2. can give you the exact miles you will travel..

    then it is simple math

  3. The trip is about 1000 miles.  Since gasoline in your area is about 2.90/gal right now, I'd get enough gasoline to get you to St. Louis, where it's only 2.65/gal right now.  St. Louis has just about the cheapest gasoline in the nation right now, courtesy of the Wood River refinery.  Gasoline for the remainder of your trip will be about 2.75/gal.  

    It'll take about 9 gallons of gasoline to get to the metro St. Louis area, at a cost of $26.  A fillup in St. Louis will run you $58.  You'll have to fill up again around Little Rock, which will cost you about $60.  Next fillup will be just outside Houston, where you'll only need a few gallons to reach your destination, so let's say $20.

    The total gasoline cost to get there will be about (estimating on the high side, could be less) $160-170 each way.  This is following interstates 55, 40, 30, then US59 into Houston.

  4. take into consideration that you have to eat and while your there,a credit card for emergency issue such as repairs ,towing etc..pack a cooler with drinks

    sandwiches and snacks ware comfortable clothes 16 hours on the road is a good ride ..cell phone to

  5. since  you know your mpg, just use mapquest to find the distance.  assume $3 or $3.25 if you want to overestimate.  then its just math.  total distance/mpg*price per gallon.  total distance/(mpg*size of tank) will tell you how many tanks it will take.

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