
How much gasoline do I need to power the Death Star?

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Following instructions given in a holographic message I found stored on a rusty old droid, I have reconstructed the Death Star. It is capable of completely destroying the earth (blowing it apart) with 5 seconds of Death Star Laser radiation. However, not having the called for power source, I had to modify my Death Star to run off of a large gasoline generator. How much gasoline would I need to power the Death Star and destroy Earth?




  1. 3.43 liters...It was made by Honda...Careful though, those are hype-space figures...You won't get nearly that good mileage when you're in standard space.  

  2. If you'd checked your blueprints carefully, you would have seen that the plans had been revised.  That's because the first architect had run a feasibility study and found that a gasoline engine would not be the most cost-efficient way to power the Death Star.  He was, however, able to jerry-rig a solution, using a mixture of acetane and neon gas.  You can find the formula online at

  3. All the gasoline from all the cars of the employees that worked for George Lucas during the filming of all 6 movies and all the other extras.

    Add it up, there's what you need.

  4. I would suggest modifying it again to run off something else.  Try for some ideas.

  5. i pity u

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