
How much glasses of wine would make a person drunk?

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but not that crazy-drunk that cant walk or make conversation and then wake up with a hugeeeee hangover just to get realy.."tipsy"





  1. It depends on the gender and weight of the person.  The heavier one is the more it takes to feel the alcohol.  And wine's sugar can add a horrible kick to the hangover.

    For me it's two glasses of wine.  I weigh 130 pounds.  I have to drink it very slowly though as the sugars later really do me in.

  2. everyone's tolerance for alcohol is different, depending on body weight, how often they drink ..etc.  So it could be anywhere from 1 glass on up !

  3. i usually stop when it affects my grammar.

  4. More than one per hour.

  5. Everyone is different.

    It could be one glass for someone, and six for the other.

  6. That depends on several variables.  The persons tolerance of alcohol, size of person, and the amount of alcohol.  

    I have a friend that can drink one glass of wine and she's drunk.  I have some friends that can drink a bottle....

  7. how much food you have in your stomach, and how fast you drink will be factors....if you drink say three glasses of wine in one hour with nothing in your stomach you will be drunk...but, if you have a meal, and have three glasses of wine in one hour you will be buzzed for a while.  it also depends upon how often you drink, and your tolerance level.

  8. I drink often, usually whisky with water, and I feel tipsy after 3-4 glasses, so if you don't drink regularly, you might feel a buzz after only 1. A wind-buzz can sneak up on you, so it's best to drink slow. Also, of the many hangovers I've had, the ones from wine are definately the worst.

  9. it depends on how you can handle the wine.  sometimes it could just take 1 if the glass is big.

  10. There's no exact amount for everyone. Each person is different. It depends on how they tolerate the alcohol. Also, they may be used to drinking wine and can drink a lot without getting drunk.

  11. 3-6 for me

  12. With rose i only need one glass and i am on my way, after 3 i would be drunk!!   I cannot drink wine!!!

  13. One, if the glass is big enough.

  14. Legally, a person is drunk if they consume 3 glasses of wine within an hour. A fatty person will get drunk faster than a muscular person and the fatty person will also sober up faster than a muscular person. Women tend to get drunk faster because they have b*****s which are a fatty part of our bodies.

    Food has nothing to do with drinking, they encourage people to eat so it will slow down their drinking.

  15. I drank a glass of wine last night

    and then I drank another

    then I looked into the mirror

    and saw inside, my mother.

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