
How much global warming is due to heat generated from heat generated from day-day living?

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I was wondering if the general heating of houses and cooking food and the radiant heat off motors etc has a significant effect on global warmimg, and how much effect?




  1. Very little from the direct heat.  A great deal from the CO2 generated as a result of producing the energy needed to heat houses, run motors, etc.

    Many people find it hard to understand why this basically invisible gas is so much more powerful than the sources of heat that they can see and touch.  Basically, we're putting a blanket on the Earth, holding more of the massive heat from the Sun in.  CO2 is like a judo artist, a seeming small thing, using the strength of our Sun against us.

    Here's an excellent animation of how it works.

  2. i'm not sure if this is still considered but i have read once in an article that Celsius increased due to the effect of greenhouse gases is at 0.7 Celsius. i'm not yet sure if it is still ocnsidered but those numbers have been once calculated.

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