
How much going green is to much?

by  |  earlier

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ok i'm all for going green but come on people there is to much of anything right,how much is to much to you,

and about gas for cars and trucks, get a mopad or a scooter and ride it to work.

less gas and money saved.




  1. I'd say starvation is a little too "green".

  2. never too much green.  ~~~~~~~save the earth yo!!~~~~~~~~

  3. Consider this: Kyoto has emerged as the single biggest threat to the global environment. Thanks to Kyoto, we are seeing a revival of megadams that threaten to destroy many of the world’s remaining river valleys, we are seeing a renaissance of nuclear power, which remains a costly and dangerous technology, we are seeing our foodlands turned into fuel lands, and people in the Third World rioting because they can’t afford the doubling of grain prices that has resulted.

  4. its never too much

    seems u are doing too little on this matter

  5. Too much going green for me is doing more than I'm comfortable doing.   Some days I walk in town, some days I drive.

  6. Going green becomes to be too much when it begins infringing upon my rights how to live and what products I use.  It becomes too much when the government mandates that I am required to use a light bulb with mercury or requires that I drive a car that gets higher gas mileage and therefore, is less safe.  It becomes too much when the government decides it can make better decisions for your life than you can.

  7. I bought shower aerators, kitchen faucet aerators, i also bought energy efficient light bulbs, you know the kind that looks like a twrily candy cane. I also rode my bike to work, which is all up hill, not fun, but good exercise that i lack.

    Thats what i say, drive less, and start biking to work, school, outing. etc

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