
How much groups of invertebrateand vertebratearethere? how much typesof teeth human have?

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How much groups of invertebrateand vertebratearethere? how much typesof teeth human have?




  1. * Porifera


        * Calcarea

        * Silicarea

    Subregnum Eumetazoa

        * Placozoa

        * Radiata (unranked)

              o Ctenophora

              o Cnidaria

              o Trilobozoa †

        * Bilateria (unranked)

              o Orthonectida

              o Rhombozoa

              o Acoelomorpha

              o Myxozoa

              o Chaetognatha

              o Superphylum Deuterostomia

                    + Hemichordata

                    + Echinodermata

                    + Xenoturbellida

                    + Vetulicolia †

              o Superphylum Ecdysozoa

                    + Kinorhyncha

                    + Loricifera

                    + Priapulida

                    + Nematoda

                    + Nematomorpha

                    + Lobopodia †

                    + Onychophora

                    + Tardigrada

                    + Arthropoda

              o Superphylum Platyzoa

                    + Platyhelminthes

                    + Gastrotricha

                    + Rotifera

                    + Acanthocephala

                    + Gnathostomulida

                    + Micrognathozoa

                    + Cycliophora

              o Superphylum Lophotrochozoa

                    + Sipuncula

                    + Hyolitha †

                    + Nemertea

                    + Phoronida

                    + Ectoprocta

                    + Bryozoa

                    + Entoprocta

                    + Brachiopoda

                    + Mollusca

                    + Annelida

                    + Echiura

    All of the above are invertebrate phyla

    The Vertebrates are a sub phylum in the phyla Chordata.

    Composed of fish , amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals.

    Humans have four types of teeth, incisors, canines, premolars, molars.

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