
How much guitar experience before I start to learn to play standing up?

by  |  earlier

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I've been playing electric guitar for only 3.5-ish months, taking weekly lessons. And some friends asked me to join their band. Even though I keep telling them to get someone with actual talent and who can play, they want me for some reason.

Basically I was wondering, because I've been playing sitting down this whole time, how much experience would you need before you should attempt at playing standing up?

Because I've tried and it feels weird, even with the guitar up between my belt line and belly, cos it's just different plus its on a diagonal angle meaning my right, picking hand is sort of scratching along the strings because its picking straight downwards (because I play sitting) whereas the guitar (and strings) are diagonal and yeah it feels weird and how do i fix it?!




  1. Practice standing up.

    It's hard to begin if you have learned sitting down, but you just have to get used to playing standing up.

    Have the strap at a comfortable height and just keep practicing, it will work :)


  2. practice, use a strap and put up high

  3. Just keep practicing once you build up your finger strength you will be able to play standing up easier. Just dont quit!

  4. Try this web site for free tuition on Guitar playing, it covers electric and acoustic guitar chords. It is excellent and has everything you want and need to learn for guitar..

    Good luck.

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