
How much harder do you think it is too start running as you get older?

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Im just curious how hard is too start running once you get older, and why its harder? just because i see all these people being like i ran a mile today and im dead! like sierously when i was14 my first day i started running cc i know i was in horrible shape and i ran 6 miles no problems besides being sore the next day. so my question is more of why is it harder when you get old?




  1. its because as you get older, your cardiovascular system starts to slow down, and you start to lose some speed and endurance...

    though my mom is 45 and still runs about 13 miles every other day...

    but continued muscle excersize will strengthen your system, and you can begin to run longer and faster...just takes more time than a teenager or someone in their twenties..

  2. I noticed the same thing when I recently started running again, though I'm only 32.  Most likely you're heavier and your muscles are weaker.    You're less active and not doing other sports, and so your cardiovascular system is weaker.  Depending on how old you are, you may also have less testosterone than you had before.  If you're over 40, it definitely can't hurt to get it checked.

    Edit: But overall, it's no big deal.   Stick with it, you'll improve, and you'll be running long distances with relative ease in no time.

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