
How much has Christchurch changed in the last 28 years

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I moved to australia 28 years ago and I am wondering how much change has happened in that time. Have there been many major changes and would I recognize the place now. I think it would be best if someone in there late forties or older answered this question




  1. the traffic has gotten alot worse!

    there have been more buildings put up

    and alot more frequent bus services

    there are more boy racers

    the crime has skyrocketed. its now not very safe too go out at night.

    but apart from that the people are still nice XD

  2. stop asking us to do your homework lol. Nah i am kidding good luck

  3. The Wizard has retired

  4. Oh yes, there have undoubtedly been many changes and lots of  major ones.

    No you wouldn't recognise the place after 28 years!

    How close was I?        And I have never been there!

  5. there many high rise buildings now ,,, about half a dozen high rise hotel  in sq, many suburbs big shopping mall all over , , bigger population i think 1million 4 people over canterbury ,differents culture here now , heaps of new sub division s housings areas now   , really you would not no ch ch after all these years

  6. As they say in the Life of Brian, a a a a a lot.  Chch. now has a tram line, a gondola up the Port Hills, an Antarctic Centre at the airport, ethnic eating stalls in Gloucester St., a pier at New Brighton, did Ferrymead Historical Park exist back in 1980?  I first came to Chch. to study in 1969.  The only ethnic eating places then were Kiwi and Cantonese.  

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