
How much have vegetarians/vegans dented the meat industry?

by Guest64277  |  earlier

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i am a vegan cause of the way animals are would make me feel better if i knew that it was doing some is it?




  1. If we had a wide spread ad campaign that promoted vegetarianism as the best weightloss diet ever, we would have more of an impact.

  2. although i can't tell how much damage it's doing, even if it's very minimal, it is making a difference. the less you buy the less they sell.

  3. According to the USDA, meat consumption has increased in the last five years meaning more animals were killed for food.. If you base your "contribution" on those statistics, I guess the answer is obvious..

    I guess on a personal level, just take heart that you do not contribute to it.. But as for actually saving animals, as in that 100 a year myth, not true..

    It might make an impact if the number of vegetarians/vegans make a dramatic increase but it has not so on that front, no impact either..

  4. Supposedly we haven't made a dent but we have definitely significantly reduced the number of animals that would have been born and tortured had no one refused to eat meat, dairy or eggs.

    If you include chickens, millions of animals have been spared the experience of being nothing more than a profitable product. If you put it in terms of percentages of sales or rates of consumption, the effect seems small, but if you think in terms of individuals spared

    I often hear that beef consumption per person has risen in recent years. Such claims are hardly worth any attention when   it's coming from a totally dishonest industry and if it were true, the Atkins fad is dead now. All of the idiots regurgitating that junk science about the evil carbs is enough to explain any increase in meat consumption.

  5. If it's any indication (and I believe it is), the number of food products intended for vegetarians (and vegans) have greatly increased since I became one.  

    Even in the meat-loving country where I live, I can now see products such as veggie meat floss, veggie squid, veggie chicken powder for broth, veggie oyster sauce, veggie stir-fry sauce, and canned, ready-to-heat veggie dishes such as sweet-and-sour "pork".  

    A handful of vegetarian restaurants have even survived for years!

    The growth in the vegetarian food market necessarily causes a decrease in the meat market.  So I would say, yes, no matter how small, we've made a dent.   Yay!

  6. .Very minimal

  7. I'm not sure exactly how much of a dent veganism/vegetarianism has made to the meat industry, but I'll tell you that people are beginning to become aware of exactly what comes out of those factories and the health hazards behind it, espeically with all the meat recalls lately. The truth will expose itself I believe.

    Don't forget that you are doing good. Everbody can make their own personal contribution, and even if it only eases the suffering of animals slightly, that's enough for me. We're all apart of something bigger so we all play an important role.


  8. Well if nobody bought meat of course they would stop selling it.

    But ovbiously thats never gonna happen!

    But the more vegans there is the more animals we dont eat, therefore sales could go down and farmers wouldn`t get payed enough so they would stop selling them as mutch so less animals killed!!

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