
How much higher do you think gas prices will increase. We are now at $4 per gallon. Is there a max set????

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How much higher do you think gas prices will increase. We are now at $4 per gallon. Is there a max set????




  1. the prices will keep on getting higher due to the fact that we still heavenly depend on it.

  2. the only thing that is going to get the price stabilized or to go down is to either stop buying the stuff or slow down the use of it. the price of anything is governed by what people are willing to pay for the item be it gas or a washing machine. the only thing i see wrong with this is that the producers of gas are making windfall profits at everyone's expense and should be reigned in. now don't get me wrong, a company has the right to have a profit, but not in the 10's and 100's of billions of $$$'s per quarter. everyone that is able to vote should contact their congressperson/rep to strongly have them address this issue. the issue being that we, the working class, are the one's being deeply effected by this. the rich people are not touched at all by this (heck, they spend millions on a wedding that won't last before the ink dries on the society page magazine). it's not right that we have to bear this burden, the working class.

  3. I heard its going to go up to $9 then drop back to $5 and stay there. But I am hopping once the president changes the gas prices will go down.

  4. I think it will go as high as necessary in order to get the gas guzzling engines off the market. I think it is a strategy to support certain trade agreements for strengthening another countries economy because it is known that America can bounce back from tough times and we are being put to that test.We will either bounce back or break.

  5. NO there is no maximum set point on the price.

  6. if it gets to 5 dollars.....get ready for riots

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