
How much higher do you think should the price of gasoline go before commuters consider....?

by Guest62497  |  earlier

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the speed limit to go down to 55 MPH?




  1. Gas has come down quite a bit here.

  2. i think if it hit 5 bucks a gallon they would lower the speed limit again,but i think it would take at least that much for them to do that,and i really don't want to see it hit 5 bucks,some states are already considering doing this though,Tennessee is one of them right now,but for now they are keeping it 65,lets hope we don't see 5 bucks a gallon just to get the speed limit lowered,good luck.

  3. A 55 MPH speed limit has its own problems.

    It is like trying to take a 100 yard wide river and force it down to 25 yards in width. The water backs up.

    Most freeways have more traffic getting on then can get off when the flow is restricted.

    It sounds good, but the freeways will have to be widened to prevent stop and go situations that go on for miles and miles.

    If you do not believe this, watch traffic as it backs up around a Highway Patrol car. This congestion will waste more gas then letting traffic flow at its current rate. Which even in 55 MPH zones is often in excess of 70 MPH.

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