
How much higher do you want your taxes to go for more war?

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They will have to go up someday to pay what we already owe and it seems a lot of Americans want to attack several new countries as well as keep up hundreds of new military bases in countries all over the world. Many want to continue "star wars programs" that will cost trillions.

How much higher can Americans go? Or what do we give up? Some Republicans want to give up a free education like a lot of 3rd world countries...

What else should we give up to pay for all these weapons and bases and wars?




  1. Hmmm how about giving up all the "foreign" aid that we ship to Africa and various other countries at last count it would nearly equal the national debt so...let's start there.

  2. Hmmm...    I wonder how many years of putting a "war tax" on gasoline

    to raise it up  to the prices they have in some euro-peon  nations it wouild

    take to pay for the war that makes access to the oil that's the feedstock for the

    gasoline  it would  take to pay for this?

    The real answer to your question is that even if the  war goes away

    the taxes won't.  The extent to which they need to be raised to

    "pay for the bills from the war" will be distorted upwards so  that

    the Obamanites  (he'll be long-dead--the victim of a zionazi bullet

    impersonating a neo-n**i  or white supremacist bullet) can pass

    out freebies to their "base"--every emoting-instead-of-thinking

    loser they can  find and amalgamate together into the voting-block

    for the neo-bolshevist  tax-away-all-freedoms-that-can't-be-benc...

    legislated-away  party.  They'll raise the taxes as if it were going to

    defray the costs of a war that protects us, but we won't be

    protected.  That's alright though,  they have a contingency plan

    for that too.  They pretend terrorist  attacks are  just   the

    singular acts of  some insane criminal and  they attempt to extradite

    and prosticute some  likely target they think they can get ahold

    of  for a show-trial, or else  the indict some defense-contractor

    which has been induced by  a pack of well-meaning-but-naive

    nuns who bought a lot of stock to also produce airliners  by

    having an "investigation" and  discovering that  the

    surface-to-air heatseeking missile which was fired from an

    ultralight  aircraft  (to  get the limited-range missile  to

    an airliner  too high  to hit from the ground or a boat)  was really

    just an overheated  electric wire in a mostly-empty wing  fuel tank.

    They got a million of 'em!  They're very creative in that way--too bad

    they're not  creative in the  endeavor of protecting us from terrorist

    attacks---the very first  order of  business  of any government, but

    the one they pay the least attention to.

    So your premise is all wrong. You'll either pay trillions for a war

    or pay trillions for a war you don't get and have the money

    poured down the multifarious ratholes of educating the

    ineducable, reforming the irredeemable and employing the


    It's your choice, and I'll be stuck with it too.

    I can't tell you how thrilled I am with that.

  3. We dedicate almost $500 billion a year to our military.  That's a bit much.  This is not the cold war anymore.  There is no need for all that defense spending or all the bases all over the world.  We can easily cut defense spending in half.  All our excessive military spending means is that our allies don't have to spend so much on their defense.  

    And don't mention the War on Terror.  Bin Laden isn't even wanted for the attacks on 9/11.  He's wanted for other smaller terrorist attacks, but not 9/11.  Evidence is below.  

  4. Giving up free education would reduce America to a 3rd world country.  Better taxes go up than lose such a basic necessity.  

  5. I don't want my taxes to go any higher for war; but, I don't want my taxes to go any higher for "free education", as I do not believe education in the United States is free.

    As a teacher in the American public education system for the past 43 years, I can tell you, taxpayers have contributed a big chunk of their tax dollars to what they thought was going to "education", when their money was funding free and reduced price lunches, special programs for students who were diagnosed as ADD, ADHD, and LD.

    Schools received more money for students who qualified for free or reduced lunches than they made for students who had to pay for full price lunches. Have students who were diagnosed as ADD, ADHD, or LD? The more students who are diagnosed as ADD, ADHD, or LD, the more money a school/state gets in Federal and state moneys.

    Education is costing the American tax payer as much, if not more, than any war.

  6. We only fight when we need to.  I would rather pay for that then some lazy person or illegal who is nothing but a entitlement vampire.  

  7. I'd pay a little more if it meant  more dead terrorists.

  8. I wouldent mind them going up a little, of course it would be much easier to cut international aid, welfare, medicaid and other social programs.

    So if ye stop giving away so much money in social and special intrest programs the savings should cover it. If there was a budget shortfall though we should make it up with more taxes.

  9. i don't believe we should be taxed on education, especially if our children go to private schools or we have no children.  why can't people pay their own way in life instead of expecting the government (us) to do everything for them?

  10. Its ether that or let the terrorists take over the world a little at a time.

  11. nobody want to pay more taxes.  I would like for the government to just be responsible with the taxes they do collect.  I don't think we need to police the world either.  Whatever happened to taking care of your own backyard first?

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