
How much higher level math is involved with being a stockbroker?

by Guest45544  |  earlier

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  1. im pretty sure its a lot

  2. I don't think it takes more than your basic mathematics to calculate stocks but to obtain a four year business degree you are required to take calculus.

  3. zero.  stockbrokers are salespeople.  99.999% of the stocks/bonds/etc they push are recommendations of other people, such as research analysts, or the chief economist's group.

    even traders don't need math.  on an actual trading floor, you'll see people with PhDs in physics standing next to someone w/a high school degree that never went to college.

    but there are also many traders out there who are extremely solid in math and software programming, and they make great money.

    but they are NEVER stockbrokers.

  4. As much as you can get.  Mathematics and Economics.

  5. Can you count, maybe to 100,

    Do you have an idea of basic algerbra,

    Can you pick a lower or higher number,

    if you can do any ot these, you can make it as a stock broker.

    In my 40+ years in this business, I have never met a stock broker than was good at math.  - the only thing they could do with math was compute their commissions.

  6. I've met quite a few stockbrokers and believe me their brains don't go that far. It must be simple math.

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