
How much holiday spending money should I take?

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I'm going to Ibiza for 2 weeks in August with my 2 kids age 12 &15. A quiet area, not for the clubs, lol. The kids are saving their pocket money but what sort of target should I aim to save for spending money? We're going half board but I do intend to eat out some nights & we'd definitly like to explore the island a bit.

Thanks. ☺




  1. I always work it out by how much i would spend a day and then times it by 14.

    EDIT...................i normally budget at £100 a day for 3 of us including meals, drinks and any trip taken. There are days when you wouldn't spend it all but it leaves you some till the end for buying stuff.

  2. I'd aim to take approx £1500. This gives you £100  a day and some extra for treats. In my experience, the quieter resorts are always slightly more expensive than the busy ones because there's not as much competition. Hope you have a great time.

  3. me and my husband budget for hundred a day just for us two so say 150 with kids some days you spend more others you have a quite day and not spend a lot its the drinks round the pool you spend on try getting them in the shop quarter of the price

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