
How much home work do u get everyday!?

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  1. about 2-3 hours

  2. Homeschoolers don't generally do what most people think of as homework.  They work the material until mastery is achieved and then move on.  If more time is needed it is given and if they understand the material immediately you move on.  You do not have to pace yourself to others, you move at your own pace.  

    Note on above entry:

    I am not quite certain what parents not having a degree in education has to do with qualifications to teach their own children in the home.  I'll have to tell some of my friends who homeschool their children with PhD's and MD's that Mildred thinks they are not qualified.  I have known many teachers who leave to homeschool their children and they say there is nothing in their "education to educate" that has to do with learning.  Teachers must conform their students to their style and the material assigned, homeschools adapt the material to support their individual learning styles and interests.

  3. A lot....

    It seems I get like 4 essays or projects to do per week.

    School sucks

  4. honestly,  it appears to be self managed .  

    i have taken many traditional instuctor led courses and taken e-learning online course .  

    i believe the traditional led course delivery was better.  

    i do not believe that a parent is a professional teacher has a degree .   parents might love more / might care more but that is not experience.  

    i think foreign kids are going to blow this generation away .   these kids are the future / will have to earn their way and the kid that does the  most homework and learns the most wins.  not rocket science.  

    how will homeschooled kids compete for colleges such as Harvard ?   the parent is going to write the glowing recommendation ?   admissions are tough in some places ... it isn't just a question of showing up and paying your tuition.  

    how well are homeschools preparing kids really ?   are well are schools doing it ?   is the school failing so bad  that the parents must take over and become experts ?   why pay the schools tax money.    i do not pretend to know the answer , but am greatly troubled by my 13 year old nephew who I know is not getting proper homeschooling .  parent enrolled kid in homeschool due to her health issues / inability to take the kid back and forth to school. the kid is ahead on one thing / "internet based research " LOL .. the kid is behind in every other area.  the kid is paying and will pay the price for this.   she does not see it / get it .

  5. Well we are HOMESCHOOLERS and do all of our work at HOME and so about 180 hrs/year per state law.   And in homeschooling it is the parent who gets the most homework.

  6. im home schooled so none

  7. I'm a homeschooled tenth grader and I spend 2-3 hours a day on studying. I'm in an online history class with a lot of work and am currently catching up so it's a major pain in the ***, but when I'm caught up -which will be soon thanks to Sparknotes- I'll be spending about 90 minutes a day on the class. I usually get my entire week's worth of math done in 45 minutes if it has a lot of drawing, usually closer to an hour. That's 45 minutes one time, not per day.

    All my reading, language and music is for my own gratification so I don't count that as studying.

    Quality over quantity, young Padawan. Doing three geometry problems and completing one proof is better homework than four pages of problems. You can only remember so much.

  8. Zero , finished school & college ages ago.

    I am one lucky bas%tard... :-)

  9. Well since I'm homeschooled I'd have to say that all my work is homework. I only do school for about 4 hours a day tops.

  10. on weekends i sometimes get 4-5 hours.

    school days; 2-4

  11. This is a home school section, I guess all educational subjects could be considered "homework"

    In conventional schools they not only have to be there for 6 to 7 hours a day, but than they get saddled with another 2 to 3 hours of busy work.

    I always wondered why they cannot finish the work in school, considering the amount of time they are there, or make better use of the time in the "study halls" that are built into their schedules.

    For another point of view on homework read:

  12. tons honey, tons, i can't believe how much i get, its unbelievable...and the sad part is that it's hard and in order to get good marks you have to understand it. MAN it's hard...i wish they had a robot that can do your homework and make you smarter as well so you don't fail your tests and you can do whatever you want like  chilling, you hear what i'm saying girl holla back

  13. this isn't really a homeschooling question, all home schoolers work is homework.

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