
How much homeschooling time does the law require for a 7th grader?

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I do 5 hours and honestly im exhausted!!!!!! Im extremely good in everything (which is alot) but math and i dont think i should be doing 5 hours. I barly get any sleep and i would go back to public school if i didnt get so many death threats (i live in chicago) and get beat up. HELP!!!!




  1. In Illinois, none. Most states do not have a daily hour requirement, but have days or hours per year.

    It does state that you need to work 176 days a year, but it does not specify which days or how long each day.

    If you think you are doing too much each day, look at what your goal is as far as learning. Set your goal for each month and figure out how to achieve it. It really doesn't take five hours.

    Also the exhaustion might be coming from doing it solid, try to split it up, some in the morning, some in the afternoon, reading at night. Do some PE, physical exercise will increase your energy levels.

  2. Depends on the state.  For las in your state, visit


    family website:

    homeschool blog:

  3. I just answered your other question about this.

    I'm a HS mom in IL and there is no requirement for hours.

    See this link:

    <<Compulsory Attendance: Compulsory attendance begins upon a child's 7th birthday and continues until their 17th birthday (unless the child has already graduated from high school). This is according to Illinois Annotated Code Section 26-1.

    Note - Attendance: Attendance does NOT mean sitting at a desk for five hours. Homeschooling, by its very nature, incorporates a wide variety of experiences. There are no mandated numbers of hours per day or days per year of attendance for private schools in Illinois.>>

  4. 5 hours a day total? or each subject? If its five hours a day that is about normal. I'm not sure what the laws are in Illinios, but I don't think there is really a requirement for numbers of hours. As long as you learn the stuff, then you should be good. If you are doing 5 hours of math a day, that is what i'd call to much.

  5. 5 hours is usually good enough.  Not everywhere regulates hours or time in.

    Illinois has not direct rules but they do show 5 hours in one legal case

    There is no statutory requirement for homeschoolers to teach for a certain number of hours per day or a certain number of days per year.  However, your instruction should be regular and recorded.  Remember, one of the factors the court considered in Levisen was that the child "received instruction for five hours per day."  This does not mean that you must teach for at least five hours per day, but if you are ever required to respond to a truancy charge, the time spent in instruction may be a factor considered by the court.

    What you simply need is proof you are complying and doing work.

  6. You can check out the requirements for each state at this web site.

  7. There is no specific time requirement for homeschooled students in Illinois.

    If you are that exhausted, you should see a doctor. Doing 5 hours of a work a day at your age shouldn't exhaust you. You have 24 hours a day like the rest of us, so why should doing 5 hours take away from your sleep? If you work from 9-12, then 1-3, you've got 5 hours right there. Or 8-12, then another hour somewhere in the day. Most gr. 7 homeschoolers I know do a MINIMUM of 3 hours a day, but 4-5 hours isn't that far off.

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