
How much homework should a 8year old be getting?

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My daughter has just started a new term, the school have said that homework shouldn't take any more than a hour. She gets homework every night and it took her nearly 2hours last night. Spoke to one of the other parents and they said they were a bit more than that.I dont want to go in and speak to the teacher if this is a normal amount, can anyone give me any advice. Thanks




  1. Basically it depends on the subject and the teacher. Since it 's a

    begining it may take little more time  as you said but later things

    will be fine.

    Your daughter must be in the 3rdstd and this is comparitively  OK.

    Take it positively since your child has to learn a lot in the future. Please feel free to speak to the teacher since they are supposed

    to be second parents. Donot hesitate.Take it easy. Things will

    change hopefully. Best wishes.

  2. quantity and quality!

    you need examples of how much, and how hard!

    well, lets say it was...3 pages... for an 8 yr old 4 pages of homework would be max.

    and for quality, questions should be:


    times table up to 10

    adding and subtracting up to 100


    they should be learning about compound words

    words with max of 8 letters

    ph, ch, ing, silent e, rules

    learning cursive writing


    if they have over 5 pieces of hw or take more than 1 hr and 30 mins than you must consult a teacher

    hope this helps!

  3. 2nd or 3rd grade? That seems a bit excessive for that age but I know from dealing with my daughter and her homework (she's 12 now) there seems to be so much that they have to pack into the school day and year now that they just don't have enough time to do it all at school.  But you should talk to her teacher.  I don't think it would be inappropriate even if this is normal.  She would be able to give you the best explanation as to why it's this way.  It could also be school work that your daughter and the other child didn't finish in class on top of homework and that's where the extra hour is coming from.  But definitely talk to your daughters teacher.   She may be able to give you some advice or insight to help.

  4. that is ridiculous! a 8 year old should be getting some reading for the entire week and maybe some spelling?

    for an 8 year old it shouldnt be more than 20minutes a night. tops.

    go and talk to the teacher about what the teacher thinks she should be getting. if you think its too much. explain to the teacher that ur daughter doesnt have that much time each night. and thats shes only 8!

    im grade 11 and i only get maximum of 2.5hours a night. at absolute maxium.

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