
How much honey do you think a typical, standard beehive yields? and how often can you take honey from them?

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How much honey do you think a typical, standard beehive yields? and how often can you take honey from them?




  1. Depending on the size...I would say an average of 2 or more cups, and you can go collect it once a month. Granted this all depend on the size. If it is larger or smaller the time and amount will differ..duh! hope I was helpful!

  2. The amount of honey bees produce depends on the weather at the time of year when certain flowers or trees are in bloom and where you live. The countryside is not necessarily the best place for bees and honey production -fields of grass, cereals etc do not produce much honey. Towns/cities with their parks and gardens can do surprisingly well.

    The bees themselves need honey to raise their young. It is only what they consider surplus honey that they place in the 'super' part of the hive: the section that is separated from the brood box by the queen excluder.

    On average one can expect about around 12/15kg of honey a year from a hive. If you are near oil-seed rape then you can look forward to much more in a good year - some beekeepers have claimed upwards of 20kg or even more, per week. But it does tend to set like concrete in the frame and is difficult to extract once this happens.

    Some beekeepers take honey off in late Spring and  a second batch in the Autumn -around the end of August. Some just rely on the Autumn extraction as there is something called the June gap when there is not much around for the bees. The bees will therefore have very little honey to raise the next brood of bees  if honey is extracted in Spring. I am looking forward to a good July with plenty of moisture in the soil -rain!! and then lots of sun to stimulte the flowers into producing the nectar. Blackberries will be the main crop round here.

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