
How much human use brain power in life time?

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How much human use brain power in life time?




  1. Man does not utilise even ten percent of the powers given by god

    Man does not utilise even ten percent of the powers, granted to

    him by nature, during his life time. Even psychologists and medical

    experts agree that we do not make use of even ten percent of our

    mental faculties. Even a man working twenty hours a day may be

    utilising barely ten percent of God's gift to us. This obviously means

    that ninety percent of this gift goes unutilised. Therefore, we must

    explore ways and means to utilise this big store of energy and power.

    We must benefit from this big store house of unaccessed prowess. We

    must unearth these powers and find answers so as to be able to put

    such energies to the benefit of ourselves and, therefore, the mankind.

  2. Most people use 2% of their brain at any given time. It does not change over a lifetime. However, it has been medically proven that people who experience mania (usually bipolar disorder clients) use up to 5% of their brain when in a full blown manic episode. Most manic people experience being in another "dimension" and actually feel it. In reality, it is not happening, but in their brain it is. They have the ability to experience different atmospheres, pure air quality (no sense of pollution), extrasensory perception, light (sunshine) becomes brighter and is felt necessary to remain vibrant (many people spend hours outside in it believing it literally keeps them alive), there is an extreme fear of darkness (staying awake all night is common), they can "feel" spiritual beings close to them physically (as in a light touch of a breeze), and any loud noise such as car horns or gunshots are intolerable. This is just a partial list.

    It would be difficult to actually calculate the amount of brain power a person uses in a lifetime. Since there are variables in each person, how would they come up a figure? This question is difficult to answer. You might want to ask a scientist.    

  3. Most use 3 percent, the  97 percent is for everlasting life, but only few will experience that.

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