
How much importance does today's youth give to politics??

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How much importance does today's youth give to politics??




  1. today's youth gives comparatively more importance.youth can bring revolution if tries to.if we want our country to progress, its the youth who can really make a's youth i feel has a lot of enthusiasm and to a large extent is putting the nation on the world map.when it comes to politics very few people are really aware of whom to vote. we can see results when it came to quota system in many places there was uproar.

  2. if some time is spared after checking out the latest movie in town or after spending lavishly on a certain  brand oriented product and after a long chat with's youth says -"Politics has ruined our country!!!!!!!!!!!!".So the next time you curse your poltical undergo a self-introspection........ to identify the ruins within yourself......cause its the youth which has the capability to bring about a change for the better.....

  3. i think everyone gives importance to politics in the sense that they talk abt it.But few take active intrest in it and see it as a career.but there r exceptions.

    There is an organisation in pune started by the youth with overall development of India in mind which does include entering politics along with taking up other environmental & scocial issues

  4. according to me, politics play a very important role in the youth's  life. when the youth are aware and also concerned of the corruption in the politics, only then can they do something to change it

  5. Almost no importance and it is a pity because youth constitute nearly half the population and if they are indifferent an anti youth or a selfish fellow get elected which might go against the interest of the youth and the nation

  6. I think todays youth doesn't relate themselves to politics. and even though the ppl who relate themselves to politics they have their own selfish motives behind it. and from years politicians has been recognized with their wrinkled skin and gray hair, even youth try to contribute something good to todays politics, old devils, harass them and pressurize them to walk on wrong path. And now a days political parties are made only to fight like cats and dogs, and delay all decisions. All issues are only discussed on parliament and never acted upon, even if any party think of doing something good, the other party has meddle their nose in between.

    And the most worst part of India is its entire Law and judiciary system, it really requires revamping. when the terrorism is at rise, political parties instead of fighting among themselves must concentrate on these issues seriously. Justice is always delayed. and "Justice delayed is justice denied" some times feel that India is not democratic country, country's democracy is used for their selfish and ulterior motives.

  7. to day youth gives much importance to the carrier rather than the politics

    they are giving about 15%-25% importance to the politics

    remaining will be given to the carrier only

  8. I believe today's youth only see politics through the eyes of the electronic media.  The electronic media ie TV and radio look for ratings. Big TV are financed by big business.  Big business is usually very pro whoever is in office at the time. You cant really learn about what is going on from TV and radio. Radio is especially skewed with the huge number of right wing talking heads and very little on the left (Air America is the only one I know about). So often I hear todays youth speaking with the talking points of the neo-conservative movement. Try to engage them in real political conversation and you get nowhere. People need to read more.

  9. If we really want our India to developed like other country's

    we should DELETE the word POLITICS from our Minds.

    Apply president  Rule for  5 years and see the changes

  10. It really depends how old the kids are... for example if the politicas are talkin about the media the teen's would more likely be interested but mostly they care about themselfs then what is happening around them.

  11. I think no one is interested in this field especially youngsters. And i feel that is right coz this field is not good. As per our Indian government is concerned nothing is going to change, slum areas are not going to change into clean-washed roads. Yes but if someone is really ready to rule the nation without corruption then he should come in front. And after all some one has to do this coz our great ministers are always busy in some or other ceremonies and even we cant say when this ministers can get caught in some or the other illegal matters coz without black money they cant rule our INDIA. They even don't know who made our nation free from Britishers and when and such people are leading government.

  12. Politics are most important for tody's youth because the progress/development in the field of { Industrial, Economical, Science & Technology, Education, Culture, Physical, Geographical, Political) depend upon transpirant & true / apropriate Politics any of the Country,  Healthy Politics creates Healthy & Wealthy Thinking in the all area of the world.

  13. Nowadays the youths  avoiding the politics in fearing some kind of losses (socially, materially).

    The older politicians are not giving way for the young and encouraging  the youths in politics.

    Lack of political awareness is prevailing.

    This means the youths should not waste their time in politics better to concentrate on their career

  14. The generalised feeling is that today's youth are least cared about politics. We are able to see the same in our mundane life as how the youth is reacting to politics . This is attributed by the way governments are being run in many countries. For many, politics is something unprofessionlistic, which has to cope with a lot of unscrupulous and unethical acts, where not many can react to cease it.

    My personal opinion is, youth need not completely stay away from it. But atleast have a close watch on how a government is being run, to know the do's & don'ts.

    They should'nt shred their responsibilites by restricting them only to voting.

    Many countries lack "educated" politicians, who can really think on the both sides of cards, and can take rational decisions and be pragmatic.

    Aggressive, learned youth, are the most sought after in many governments.

    I hope that day is not far off.


  15. Young people get involved every time there is an election, especially a national one. They all run around, and tout the candidate of the season (Howard Dean!... Ron Paul!... Ron Paul and Howard Dean!... Paula Deen!) and talk about "Changin' the world, man!" And they register young voters by the truckload....

    .... and they all forget to show up to vote on election day. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

    Just remember, National Policy is made by those who participate! You don't vote, you don't get to give your opinion.

  16. yes it is is very bad .

    youth is just skin deep not your whole life.


  17. -100%.


  18. nothing, i suppose, except a few diehard people. this is what i believe by the experience i have in dealing with the youth of today.they are more bothered about their own well being and are capable of achieving their goals whether politics is there or not.this is a good beginning, i believe.

  19. If I reverse your question

  20. in today's world the politics has become dirty,highly personalised and low level in india.the high quality youth shy away from politics.youth should take part in politics and try to change this convention

  21. The same importance which today's "politicians" give to today's "youth"......

    These Brain paralysed politicians can't think  Beyond  vote bank politics.......

  22. They talk but they don't show up at the polls when the votes count.

    Rock the Vote was a big failure they sign people up but they didn't vote.

    Sad to think that people in Iraq voted at risk of death and here we complain if have to stand in line too long.  I think we all need to get more envoled with politics or we are doom to keep getting what we are getting.

  23. Good question! The answer that comes to mind for me is terrifying.

  24. Im a very non political guy and all thx to these corrupt politicians whu just know how to play safe n shed their duty for which they are been appointed by us. They just know how to play blame game, what ever the case may be, they are least bothered. U just need to elect them and then their bank accounts start rising. Sometimes its so irritating, wether u r looking at other people breaking laws, i myself do a lot but one needs to search for a answer. Corruption cant be stopped in a year or so, it shud be Pervasive, but one have to take an iniciative. If media say that youth is not coming in front to lead, they are just taking a back seat, they r wrong, our responsibility we know n we do, wether be in our family, wether in our social and party life. We elect these leaders to do thier work n make our lives happy, but they are such a sorry case.

    Once a ministers car is crossing the road, entire city traffic is choked for hours, Y?? Are we goin to kill him or wat.

    Girls, do i need to mention their safety?? Media talks about the girls whu can carry themselves very well and financially very sound whu have chauffer driven cars to protect them, any idea for the mid-class girls?? No?? They are still scared of late night movies, of late night job shifts, which is so very unfair n y?? Just because of this politics, untill wen we can accompany a girl, i cant accompany my sister 24 hours, she has her own space and private life. But we have to, y?? If 70% of the girls say they can help themselves i respect them and may be they can, but not in a worst to worst situation, believe me, y??

    If ppl don go to vote then media makes a h**l out of it and blame public?? Y?? They don have ne right to. Its because of their dirty job what they are doing, todays youth are saying **** to them.

    N wat to say bout our electronic media, they are so great every one knows. Day is not far wen they will cover our scene when we are sittin on a cummord. I appreciate their bravery to a extent but wat bout that 60% which they do. False news, they makeover it so nicely that it looks so good. But the actual scene is something else.

    Neways forget it, their are n numbers of stories with me which will never end. Todayz youth is cool, smart and they are very right to abuse this kind of politics. Their are numbersss whu vote to these corrupt ppl inspite of the fact that nothing they will do but in a hope of them doin atleast something good and im one of them and i will use my right always as my moral duty. Inspite of the fact which i know, nothin they can do and neither those corrupt ppl will let ne1 do good work, they will make their life a mess. So howz it?? Want to hear more??

  25. Today's youth do not attach much importance to politics. They are busy in chalking out their life goals, studies, employment, business etc. This is because politics and politicians have proved that it is stinking beyond redemption, and politics means mudslinging and corruption. Politicians have not made any impact on the youth. The only very strong impression created by politicians to youth is , if you want to be a politician you must start from Rowdymanship, Hooliganism and other anti social activities which majority of the present youth dislike. They have better dreams. That's is the reason, politics have become a sort of hereditary occupation. You see present politicians breed their own children to be their successors.

  26. the youth do not give much importacne to politice but just enjoy the best of it by making merry of the facilities for free.

  27. Not very important..........that's the attitude of a majority of the younger population.

    There is the general feeling of helplessness- of things being already decided upon, before they are actually asked for their opinion. & that's the reason why many youngsters dont make any significant contribution towards this arena.

  28. in a life where the journey is endless todays youth does'nt even have time to stop and appriciate what the country has given them rather everyone critises the system.....but who make's this system????/its we .and now its high time tat we all realise our role and responsablity and do wat needs to be done......though some of us are awake but alot of us need to be shaken up......and tha's when there will be no my country or your country it will be our country and our government.

  29. politics means politics. We the youth should be involved in this.Because we are the future.But those old expired politician never eager to leave the seat for another.And the people of this country will choose the old one only not the new one.They prefer only the people from stardom.We want our own leader,who will care for us.The leader should be educated,with no crime record,who will serve to his people & to his country only.It is just imaginary of mine.

    We are fresh.We know the better thing than anyone.We can make it.

  30. I am really sorry, to say but today's youth is not paying  not up to the mark attention towards politics. In fact they are running away from it giving it the name of dirty game.With every cup of tea and newspaper in hand they just criticise it but no one is ready to take up the responsibility.even if one builds up the courage he/she hardly finds supporters. We all should wake up be together so that our brave freedom fighter so be proud of us that we didn't let their sacrifice go in vain .


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