
How much income per year would a family of 4 need to earn in order to be affluent/comfortable in LA or NYC?

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In large metro areas of the USA like New York City, Los Angeles, Washington DC, how much money per year would a family of 4 need to earn in order to live a comfortable, affluent lifestyle?

By affluent/comfortable I mean:

-A large suburban house aprx 2500 sq. feet. with a large lot in a leafy village like neighbourhood.

-House is tastefully decorated and furnished, but not overly extravagant

-2 cars, one a newish SUV, the other a late model sedan like a Buick or a BMW 5.

-Private local schools for the children

-A summer home near a beach or the mountains

-A 20 foot pleasure boat

-At least 2 family vacations per year

-Eat out at a decent restaurant least once a week.

-Enough money coming in to cover all necessities, many extras, some indulgences, and enough still left to save for pensions, educations, and a rainy day.




  1. There are LOTS of people squeaking by in LA on no more than a Million a year with this lifestyle.

    The REAL question here is "can you live in LA or NYC with the SAME income (and less "STUFF") and STILL be happy"?

    Remember, if it flies, floats, or fornicates, look into renting it.

  2. A whole **** load. Don't get your hopes up. You're talking over $150k a year. wayy over. Which is a VERY decent paycheck to begin with.

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