
How much indian blood do you have?

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How much indian blood do you have?




  1. 5%?

  2. 100 %  INDIAN

  3. No idea percentage wise...but enough that when I was young many thought I was Indian. Cheekbones, dark eyes, black hair, lean torso, quiet mannerisms helped with that notion.

    By paper trail, I have traced my ancestry to an Indian maiden in Virginia in the 1700s; by DNA, several tribes plus Eskimo and Innuit.

    It is fun to do these things...

  4. about 1% cherokee

  5. one quarter cherokee. That's where I got my high cheek bones. :-)

  6. None, but my wife is 7/32 Creek and my children, of course 7/64 Creek.

  7. I'm 1/8 Creek. I've also got Cherokee and Arapaho. So very Indian - it's just diluted :P

  8. More than many, but not enough for it to matter outside my family tree.

  9. I just asked my Dad and he said I'm 5% Indian :]

  10. 100% :]

    well like from indiaa :]

  11. ROFL @ Gus The Bus.

  12. somewhere in between 25% and 40%...

  13. Couple of pints on the front of my car

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