
How much inequality of opportunity is there in america, and how does it affect attainment?

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How much inequality of opportunity is there in america, and how does it affect attainment?




  1. there is inequality, but i think that if you can prove yourself in whatever you are doing then the opportunity is there. as far as how does it affect attainment, attainment of what?

  2. I bet your teacher can answer that.  Ooh, she's the one who threw out that question.

  3. Those born into wealthy families certainly have more opportunity than those from poor families. Or if the opportunity is equal then the possibility of attaining such goal is less likely for those without financial backing.

    This ease of accessability for the well-to-do can result in less sense of achievement for the attainment of what others would consider a lofty goal.

  4. There's no inequality of opportunity in America.  It's just one of those pathetic excuses invented by sociologists for under achievers.

    Everyone has the same chances.  It's what you do with the chances that counts.

    A rich kid can blow his supposed advantages just as easily as a poor kid.

    Anybody who works hard and keeps trying, can live a full and happy life .

    The big mistake in the USA is that people equate success with the amount of money you make.

      Money does not equal happiness.

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