
How much influence should a teacher have on pupils?

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I'm asking this question because this teacher I had well she thinks she knows everything about me so when she told someone else about this incident I got in I tried to correct her but she wouldn't take it >:( Also, cos she thinks she knows me so well when I was having a bit of a hissy fit she gave me the wrong advice. That was when I found out that she's been acting as though she was the mummy and I was a temper tantrum-throwing child >:( So I'm interested to see what you think...

* Ordinary subject teachers

* Form tutor

* Head of house/year

* Dinner ladies

* Supply teachers

* Any other kind of teacher you can think of

:) Thanks for your thoughts and opinions




  1. I think the most valuable attributes a teacher can have are subject matter expertise, professionalism and objectivity.

    They should not try to act like psychologists, they are not - if they were they would understand the importance of discretion and privacy and not spreading tales.

    I had a rough time growing up, but the best teacher I ever had saw me as a student, not some "basket case" she had to fix.

  2. I don't understand your question, to be fair, but I think teachers should have a positive effect on students, they are not nannies or nursemaids, they are there to nurture the process and progress of learning in children,to encourage their strengths and help reduce any weaknesses.

  3. I have no idea what on earth you are talking about (or asking). If a student is "throwing a hissy fit", what difference does it make if the teacher's advice is correct or not? I wouldn't have even bothered to give advice to you if you were acting that immature. She probably did feel like the mom to a tantrum-throwing child. If you were in her place you probably would have as well.

    Maybe it's time you grow up and take responsibility for your own actions, and seek advice from people after you've given them the details behind your questions. You might have better luck with the advice you're getting. Teachers can have a profound influence on students who are mature and willing to grow and learn.  However, we all need to understand that teachers are humans as well. And we must weigh their advice to judge it merit. We don't always take their advice just because they are a teacher.

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