
How much international experience does Palin have?

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How much international experience does Palin have?




  1. Well she once had car insurance form Zurich American, she figures that was an international Policy!!! you know why she never voted a straight party ticket?   Because Tupperware was not on the Ballot.

  2. Plenty, she even diplomatically restrained herself from shooting down Russian pilots invading our airspace, I'm sure that makes you happy we just let them fly armed war planes in our territory.

  3. I DINO think she may have just enough TO GET US  USA AMERICANS ALL KILLED d**n QUICK and still have the looks to pose for a republican calender as we burn to dust  LOL   sorry mistress seriously I think Gloria is right of course(<smiles up>).

    good day mistress  DINO

  4. i doesn't matter to me. it does matter that she is a true reformer and ready to risk it all, dem or rep, to cleanup government corruption and wasteful spending. the world leader thing is blown out of proportion and not the primary issue at this time. neither is global warming or the price of tea in china.

  5. none I know of...

    apparently it's the 80s again and the soviets are about to attack, according to Cons...hahhaa

    and don't you love how they just dodge the question and slam Obama...

    EDIT: how does she have "more" than anyone... if she doesn't have any?

    it's nonsensical?

    if both have "none" then they are even?

  6. How about none? That is about right;-p

  7. More than Barak Obama!!

  8. omg none so pattetic she is as mom of 5 only qualification. this is a joke of vp choice. obama haz so much mo like when he went on his world tour and every1 loved him want him to b elected. he shood be king of the world.

  9. about as much as obama.

    at least palin has been responsible for the alaskan national guard and holding off invasions from russia.

  10. None that I can see. Maybe she crossed the Bering Strait to visit Russia for a day.

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