
How much is 10000 kWhrs?

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this wind turbine is confusing me. is it possible for a wind turbine to have an energy output of 6000 or 10000 kWhrs? how many homes can this power?




  1. Short, un-illuminating answer:  yes.

    Longer, hopefully illuminating answer:  the important part is how long it takes to get that 6000 or 10000 kWh.  If it takes a year, you'll get in the region of 16-27 kWh per day.

    How many houses this will run depends on how the people in those houses live.  For some folks who live really efficient lives and don't use air conditioning or electric hot water, 2 kWh might be all they use in a typical day; one wind turbine would suffice for about 8 such households.  The average house uses more like 1 kWh average, so 24 kWh/day; such a wind turbine might power as little as 2/3 of such a house.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Easily, some of the offshore turbines are rated up to 5 MW, which would produce 5000kWhr for every hour it runs at full capacity.

  3. The power rating of the generator determines the maximum instantaneous output of the generator.  The length of time that generator is operated at a certain power level determines the kWhrs generated.

    kWhrs is an engineering unit of energy (time relevant)

    kW is an engineering unit of power (instantaneous)

    energy = power x time, therefore

    kWhrs = kW x hrs

    The rating for a generator is in power.  Both kW or MW (mechanical rating of the generator), & kVA or MVA (electrical rating for the generator)

    If you had a 1kW generator and operated it for 10000 hours you will have generated 10000kWhrs of electricity.  If you have a 10000 kW (10 MW) generator and ran it for 1 hour you will have generated 10000 kWhrs.

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