
How much is 150 yen in U.S. money?

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How much is 150 yen in U.S. money?




  1. $1.50

    Think of yen as cents- that's how much it is. :)

  2. hi Hatori =D

    150 yen = 1.36178 USD

  3. About $1.38.

  4. i think around 1 dollar or so.

  5. The exchange rate changes constantly but if you want to just estimate it quickly in your head you just add a decimal point two places over from the left so it would be around $1.50. Today it is actually around $1.36 Monday it may be around $1.39 or $1.32 who knows. If you look over the history of the relationship between the dollar and the yen I think just using the decimal point rule and calling it 100 to 1 is the easiest for daily life.

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