
How much is 17400 Continental Onepass miles worth?

by  |  earlier

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I need to have my sons senior portraits taken and was thinking about selling these to pay for them. I have offered them to one photographer but am awaiting an answer. I would like to know just how much they are worth.




  1. $0.

    Frequent Flier miles are non-transferable.

  2. This is quoted from Continental's website:

    Selling Rewards

    OnePass rewards and mileage in your OnePass account may not be sold, bartered, traded, exchanged or purchased, except under programs fully authorized and/or sponsored by Continental Airlines. Rewards and mileage obtained in violation of this rule will be void and confiscated. A violation of this rule may result in the termination of your OnePass membership and forfeiture of all mileage in your account.

    If a person other than the OnePass member or the person named on the reward attempts to use the reward, it will be void and travel will be denied. Altered rewards are also void.

    Rewards deemed void will be confiscated and the mileage forfeited by the member. At the discretion of OnePass, actions which result in a void reward may lead to membership termination and forfeiture of all mileage.

  3. Continental generally does not allow you to transfer your miles to another account holder.  Sometimes, they will have a special offer and allow it for a limited period of time.  The latest I could find on their website was from 2006 (first link below).  At the time, it cost $7.50 to transfer 500 miles into someone else's account.  For you to transfer 17,000 miles, at that rate, it would cost $255.  Your best bet is to call OnePass customer service and see if this is possible:  (713.952.1630) or online at the second link below.

  4. Hi,

    I know there are a lot of forums where you can sell your one pass miles and that too for a decent amount of cash. you can then use this cash for whatever purposes.. It all depends on your bargaining skills. Just remember this. it will cost a person a flight ticket worth atleast a 1000$ to get 17400 miles so i would say 200 to 300 dollars would be a good deal...

  5. With as much as you'd have to pay the airline to transfer them into the photographer's name, it likely wouldn't be worth it.

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