
How much is 179,000 Lira equal to U.S Dollar?

by Guest64077  |  earlier

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I know Italy uses the Euro. I went to Italy in 2000 and I have a pair of boots that I keep in it's original box that says 179,000 Lira. How much was it back in 2000. I know the currency changes often.




  1. It equals Euro 92.45 or at the going rate about $129.40.


    get currency exchange that are up to date there...

    The conversion rate is 1936.27 lire to the euro

    which 179000/1936.27=92.45

    92.45euros in to us dollars is 131.13

  3. hey, i'm italian...

    1 € is about 2000 Lira... so 179000 Lira it's about 90€... but i don't know how many dollars are they...xD


  4. i am not sure i think its about 100 dollars but check wicapedia, google, or to find out

  5. i know this is completely irrelevent to your question but my husband and i got engaged the first time we went to italy to visit his family. it was in 2000 aswell and my engagement ring at the time was about 4 to 500 irish pounds, over a million lira there that time. i used to tell people the italian price first and they'd be like wow........

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