
How much is 5 million vietnamese dong worth american money ?

by Guest55723  |  earlier

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so are ya say very rich with 5 million dong in viet nam ?




  1. heard of currency exchange system???

  2. 5,000,000 Vietnamese Dong = 317.199 US Dollar

  3. as said earlier, the rate changes everyday.

    check out for the latest.

  4. Just to inform you US$1 = VND 16,150,000 (sixteen thousand one hundred and fifty Vietnamese Dong only)

    The exchange rate is changing every day, so keep update with the information.

    Good luck!

  5. Just a tad more than USD 300.-

    Over the past 10 years, the exchange rate has been ranging from VND 14,000 to VND 18,000 per USD.

    Before, there used to be quite a difference between the black market rate and the official rate, but these days the difference is not so significant.

  6. the quick way to figure is about $60 per million vn dong. so a little more than $300us.. and of course it depends on where you exchang your money... banks , gold shops are the best... big hotels travel agencies the worst.

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