
How much is 9.7 million barrels of oil? I mean, how many gallons or litres is that?

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It says on the BBC News website today that Saudi Arabia has pledged to lift daily quotas to 9.7 million barrels by the end of July. Wow! I mean, 9.7 million barrels a day. Well I know the earth's a big place, but 9.7 million barrels a day! Just how much is that in real terms because if just one country is extracting that from the earth every day, how much are we taking from the earth? 9.7 million barrels is just a phenominal figure, but I'll bet it's just a drop in the ocean. We rape and abuse our planet so much. :(




  1. 9.7 million barrels of oil = 1.5 million cubic metres, or 1.5 square kilometres.

    The conversion is cubic metres * 6.28981 = barrels

    or barrels * 1/6.28981 = cubic metres.

    err... although this looks like a considerable flow-rate, in terms of overall oil volume, and oil consumption, it really is just a "drop in the ocean".

  2. One barrel is 35 Imperial (not American) gallons.

    9.7 barrels is therefore 339.5 gallons.

  3. 42 US gallons of oil per barrel

    world oil consumption is around 84 million barrels a day.

    Saudi Arabia has been producing about 9 mil barrels a day.  Adding another 700,000 is only a little less than 10% increase in their production and less than 1% worldwide.

  4. One barrel of oil is ca 180 litres.

  5. What's In A Barrel of Oil?  One barrel contains 42 gallons of crude oil. The total volume of products made from crude oil based origins is 48.43 gallons on average - 6.43 gallons ...

    9.7 million X 42 gallons = 407.4 million gallons per day

    2007 daily usage = 86 million barrels/day.  9.7 barrels a day increase is approximately 11% increase over 2007 daily usage figures.

    One 42gal gallon barrel of crude oil yields:

    19.5 gallons of gasoline

    9.2 gallons of distillate fuel oil (diesel fuel and home-heating oil)

    4.1 gallons of kerosene-type jet fuel

    2.3 gallons of residual fuel oil (used in industry and marine transportation and for election power generation)

    1.9 gallons liquefied refinery gases

    1.9 gallons still gas

    1.8 gallons coke

    1.3 gallons asphalt and road oil

    1.2 gallons petrochemical feedstock

    0.5 gallons lubricants

    0.2 gallons kerosene

    0.3 gallons other (don't ask me, I have no clue :) )

    2007 Daily oil demand: 1000 Barrel a second

    PARIS, Feb. 14--The International Energy Agency predicted Tuesday that global demand for crude oil would continue to increase this year by about 1.8 percent, Xinhua reported. Daily oil demand in 2007 would grow to 86 million barrels from the estimated 84.5 million barrels of 2006, the agency said in its monthly oil market report.

    World Proved Reserves of Oil, Most Recent Estimates

    January 9, 2007

    1,317.447 billion barrels

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