
How much is Kitten Fomula?

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Okay we have a lot of wild cats in the neighbor hood and they keep having kittens and our neighbor took there garage down and is just now cleaning up and they found kittens born today we cant put them back theres a snake eating cats where they belong and we called all shelters in our area none will take them [im just telling you this cuz i seen alot of people say take them to a shelter] How much is kitten fomula in indiana ive taken care of them before but a long time ago Please just say wat fomula costs Not guesses wither Thenk you




  1. DO NOT GIVE NEWBORNS COW MILK!!! ever! it will cause diahreah and that will dehydrate them & they will die!  Kitten mothers replacement milk is what they need comes in powdered form (cheaper then the canned) at the pet store or the supermarket its about $4.00 and make sure you get a syringe a baby bottle nipple is too big. Go to this site it helped me alot

    good luck!!!

  2. My spouse raised cats on canned milk.  Not milk out of the carton but for some reason canned milk diluted with half water works perfect.

    Doll bottles work great to and they are a lot cheaper.  At first she used an applicator out of the baby aspirin bottle.  To squirt down their throat.

    Use cotton balls or cosmetic sponge to wipe out their eyes and she pretended to l**k with the sponge dipped in warm water like the mother cat l*****g the kittens.  They need that for their insides to work.

    In a few weeks they on their own start using a cat box.

    Right now she has a play pen, the kids have out grown with 4 kittens in there.  She did get the baby bottle from Wal Mart, but she says it was hard to see so ask someone.  They have baby formula but she says the canned milk worked just as good.  Wal mart has the baby formula cheaper.

    We live in the country also and kittens are a favorite food for snakes.

    They also kill the mother cat, and small cats.

    Snakes do not know the difference between a cat and a squirrel.

    Shelters are full, and getting fuller.  I would never take an animal there.

    They sell or give them to research centers to torture them.

  3. I looked a few days ago and a small box of Just Born was 4.49 at Meijer.

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