
How much is McCain/Palin up by the end of the Week?

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While the lefties are desperately spreading stupid, ugly rumors, Palin is wowing crowds, generating record campaign contributions, and the latest poll has they leading Obama/Biden by two point. How high can we go?




  1. these polls don't mean a thing... most are so bias towards the Democrats.

    There only up because they just came out of their convention.   duh

  2. i saw a poll he is down -5

  3. Last poll I saw was even.  When the public gets to know Palin she will energize the extreme right, as expected.  Yes, she will wow crowds of religious fanatics all over the south, and yes, they will give money.

    The other side is the Hillary voters, PUMA, will be faced with a choice.  Support Obama/Biden or watch 50 years of women's progress be erased by Hannity in a skirt.  If it is a push, it is a net lose for McSame.

  4. Not up at all.  Palin is not going to play well with DNC women.  This choice is like he doesn't want to get elected.

  5. not far.

  6. The early polls all have him down.  It's hard to know how much Palin plays and the DNC plays.

    We'll have to wait and see.  Gustav and Palin might lighten the RNC bump.

  7. Very high. Because I guarantee at the Republican convention McCain is going to tell us how he'll change our country. Obama was so heavy on emotion and very light on detail. It was utter BS. I am certainly not voting for someone who is doing well on a sentimental video about his life and the color of his skin.

    EDIT: to the idiot that posted the vid about McCain and Palins b***s. Watch these, smart ***!

  8. 313 electoral votes for Obama and 227 for McCain.

    So he is up by 2 or 3 from last week

  9. Real clear politics

    RCP Average08/18 - 08/30--Obama = 47.5McCain = 44.2

    Obama +3.3


    Gallup Tracking 08/28 - 08/30

    McCain = 42%

    Obama = 48%

  10. -6

  11. -4

  12. A lot, I'm guessing.

    I would say up by at least 6 points or maybe 8 after the convention; women everywhere are impressed with her, no matter what the socialists/left wing media has to say.

  13. -7

  14. is it up or up in reverse because they are down dude! and when we get more videos like this it will be down even more!

  15. You must be watching Fix Tv Obama got a bounce .McSame will drop.

  16. No, face reality. She has made the polls go down. Obama was up 14 points & rising. This is a joke. Just like the people who prayed Obama's speech would get ruined by weather are now seeing the RNC ruined by the weather this is like the bad karma from McCain running the Paris/Britney ad. People see her the way they see them but this is for real it is not an ad. He ruined his chance.

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